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Joe Tarr
" All of our children started in K4 or K5 and Two of our children have gone on to college now. I can say from experience that No other investment that we have ever made-has paid off more than the investment in our children's education at JCA. Most would say that it is a huge financial sacrifice ... but is it really a sacrifice if it yields more results than you had hoped and prayed that it would?"

Joe Tarr

Brianna Tarr
"I tested out of many preliminary classes when I first got to college. Thank the teachers and staff for me! And thank you for using ABEKA Book Curriculum!! JCA prepared me for college in a way that I am just now realizing!"

Brianna Tarr

Anthony Master
"I attended JCA from K5 all the way through 12th grade. Under the training of great teachers, I learned many character traits that I utilize everyday of my life for my employer and for the Lord. I was blessed to learn communication skills, language and arts, and mathematics that have kept me employed, and truths from God's Word that has kept me faithful to Him."

Anthony Master

Estela - 2016 Graduate
"It's hard to find a school with such a godly atmosphere like JCA...even among other Christian schools. It's a great place to grow academically and spirituality! I wouldn't trade the 13 years I spent there for anything!"

Estela - 2016 Graduate

Sam Berry - 2016
"JCA is more than a school, it's a family. I made life long friendships as well as grew in my relationship with the Lord. I'm honored and privileged to have attended and graduated from JCA!"

Sam Berry - 2016

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